Sunday, December 14, 2014

Shopping When Hungry

               It is always dangerous to go shopping when you are hungry.  It's like everything in the store will be put in your shopping cart because you think you need it when in reality you don't.  Have you ever noticed that when you are shopping when hungry, the things that you buy tend to be unhealthier than the things that you would usually buy at a store when you aren't hungry?  Well I have.  I also noticed that my food bill can be as most as three times more expensive than before. 
              This study was really fascinating and proved that a person shouldn’t go shopping after not eating for a while.  One of the possible reasons for this is that in evolutionary times after a long fast it was essential for people to find a high calorie food item for more energy.  I would agree with this reasoning and say that a person wouldn't want to eat or buy something light if they are hungry and need more energy. 
                    Just a tip, don’t go shopping when you’re hungry.  It is best to go shopping right after eating because you will be full and not feel like you need unnecessary food.

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