Wednesday, January 21, 2015

School Uniform

                Although my school doesn't have a school uniform, sometimes I wish it did.  A dress code at times is just not enough and can be abused.  It’s like the staff doesn’t have enough authority to say that a person can’t wear what they are wearing.  It is time for a change.
                Clothes can be a big distraction and if teachers are eliminating phones because they are a distraction to the class, why can’t there be a better regulation on clothes?  If everyone wore the same clothing, there should be little to no distraction and it also wouldn’t make kids feel bad if they can’t afford the new trending clothing.  It seems like clothing is now a part of someone’s social status and many people can’t afford to keep up with new fashion.  Not all kids have parents that will provide them with new clothing for each new school year.  Some kids have to keep the clothes until there are too many holes and can’t be worn anymore.  Just thinking about how they would feel if they had to worry if their clothing was good enough to wear to school is just sad.  A school uniform would make sure that everyone wears the same thing and then kids wouldn’t have to be judged for what they can and can’t afford. 
                Females are not the only ones with distracting or too revealing of clothing.  Have you noticed in your school that there are more guys wearing the pants low on their butts and then having their boxers show?  Well it has happened in my school and it is very disgusting.  It is called underwear for a reason; it is supposed to go under your clothing, not be your clothing.  No one cares what your boxers look like, you have a belt for a reason and should use it.  Why should a person feel like they need to wear something revealing to be noticed?  This goes out specifically to girls.  Yes we know that you have boobs, we don’t need to see them hanging out of your skimpy shirt all the time.  I don’t know about you, but it can be uncomfortable and I don’t think it is appropriate for school.  Do I even need to talk about booty shorts?  No one should be able to see a person’s butt cheeks.  Enough said.  With so many distractions, something needs to change.
                I was reading online the pros and cons of having a school uniform and the number one con was that it would limit a student's rights and they wouldn't be able to express themselves.  I strongly disagree with that.  By having people wear more clothing in general, it would not be severely limiting their rights of wearing what they want.  If a woman thinks that by requiring her to wear more appropriate clothing, it would be going against the new feminist revolution, then they obviously don’t think so high of themselves if they feel that they need to express themselves through their body parts instead of their voice.  If by expressing yourself through clothing, you mean wasting money on stuff that won't last forever and caring a lot about what someone thinks in the way that you dress.  Personality should be a way that you express yourself.
                A school uniform would almost create equality and I think that the whole world needs some more of that.  Clothing choice should not be what represents you the best, if you want to be noticed, use your voice rather than your body. 

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