Sunday, November 2, 2014

Jazz Band

                Jazz band can be fun, but is very difficult compared to full band practice.  First off, there are way less people in jazz band compared to a normal size band (normal size is 30+).  Some people may consider that a positive thing because a smaller group could make for a more effective rehearsal, but I consider it to be stressful because there is more time to focus on individual people rather than a section at a time.  For a normal jazz band, there is one person covering each part.  Example would be that there would be one trombone one, one trombone two, and one trombone three part.  Each person in the band would then have to play out and make sure that their sound is blended in the group.  With that being said, that is one reason why there aren’t as many people in jazz band.  There also aren’t as many people in jazz band because not all instruments are considered to be jazz instruments.  The different instruments also depend on the type of jazz that is being played. Below is a link of the types of jazz instruments expected to be in a jazz band.
                Of course there can always be added instruments and added parts in jazz, but sometimes adding more parts just covers up the harmony of the original parts in a song.  I am currently in jazz band and have been for several years now.  Just recently my jazz band added three flutes to the ensemble.  I don’t agree with this decision, but my band director wants to give everyone an opportunity at jazz.  Surprisingly enough there were flute parts, but none of the parts include the melody because flutes aren’t normally thought to be a jazz instrument.  Rarely in a jazz performance have I seen a flute player, and when I did it was only for a little solo part and that was all that they played. Being a brass player, I already didn’t like screechy woodwinds, but having flutes in my jazz band just adds to my distaste of woodwinds.
                The style of jazz is also very different compared to full band music.  There are many different styles of jazz that can change the way a note is played.  For me, that is the hardest part about jazz band.  A quarter note in full band is not a quarter note in jazz band.  The notes can be held longer or shorter for more emphasis and there are many different ways to play a song.  For more information regarding jazz and its history, please click on the link below.
                In jazz music the main styles are rock, swing, and the blues.  All are played a different way and create a diverse atmosphere.  With jazz there is also improvisation.  The blues scale is normally used in improvisation and different rhythms go along with each song.  Improvisation is playing notes that aren’t prepared or written down.  Many people struggle with improvisation because playing random notes and rhythms at the top of the heads’ is difficult and requires creativity and freedom.  Many people worry about playing the wrong rhythm in improvising, but really there is no wrong rhythm because whoever is improvising is making it up as they go along.  There can be really wrong notes though, that is why people need to stick to the blues scale.  The blues scale is just a scale of notes that can match a song, and not be in the wrong key.  Even playing the blues scale note by note can be considered improvisation, if a person wasn’t experienced and didn’t want to mess up on notes and rhythms.  Improvisation can be the scariest thing, but not everyone is meant to be perfect at improvising.  Jazz is a wonderful type of music and isn’t as popular as it used to be, but still has a lasting effect in music today.

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