Sunday, September 14, 2014

Generations of Music

            I looked through this power point of information and was fascinated by how much music has really changed from generation to generation.  There is always popular culture during a time period and popular music.  The type of music that was popular during a time period reflected what was happening during that time period.  Unfortunately the music that people listen to today will end up being old music that probably doesn’t sound cool compared to the future generation of music.  As I have noticed, music does seem to expire.  There will always be the “classics” that people love listening to, but many songs will just disappear from the ear and be forgotten. 

            Has anyone ever noticed how not only music has changed, but also the way that people listen to music?  Soon iPods and Pandora will be like records and collect dust.  Although records may not be popular culture, there is still a minority of people who will always cherish the good old days.  My big question is what will the next music device be and what kind of music will my future kids listen to?  If you have any ideas please feel free to leave comments. 

            The style of music is so different compared to a hundred years ago and what type of instruments used has also changed.  Below this is a wonderful link that has descriptions of the different types of instruments through time and around different parts of the globe.

            The tempo of music has also changed.  When I listen to many old songs, they have a slower tempo compared to today’s music.  Music can be composed to a certain tempo to make it a high tempo dancing song or possibly a slow waltz.  Have you ever heard the beat?  As a band member, I often tap the tempo and can sometimes tell what time signature the song is in.  Many people might not look that deeply into a song, but through time many songs have been composed at a faster tempo.

            Music through generations is extremely diverse and shows the different culture of each time period.  Music changes in the blink of an eye and is affected by what major events take place.  What will come of the next generation of music?

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